Managing connected users

Viewing connected users

    To view users logged on to the file server:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer.
    2 Press the File Services button and choose Show File Server Status.
    Tip: To limit the list to users connected by a specific protocol, such as FTP or AFP, choose a protocol from the Show pop-up menu.

Sending a message to a connected user

    To send a message to users logged on to the file server:
    1 In the connected users list, click the name of the user or users to whom you want to send a message.
    2 Click Send Message.
    3 Type a message and click Send.
    Your message is sent immediately.
    Note: Users who log on via FTP, Windows users, and some AppleShare users cannot receive messages.

Disconnecting a user

    You can disconnect individual users from the file server without disrupting service to other users. You might want to do this, for example, when you need to change a user's sharing privileges. You can also cancel a disconnect action if necessary.

    IMPORTANT: Users who are disconnected will lose any information they haven't saved. Windows users, FTP users, and some AppleShare users cannot receive messages about being disconnected.

    To disconnect a user:
    1 In the connected users list, select users you want to disconnect.
    2 Click Disconnect.
    3 Type a number of minutes before disconnection and, if you like, an additional message.
    Users are sent your message stating when they will be disconnected.

Disconnecting idle users

    You can set up your server to automatically disconnect users who are connected to the server, but who have not used the server volume for a period of time.

    To set up automatic disconnection of idle users:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer.
    2 Press the File Services button and choose Configure File Server.
    3 Click the Idle Users tab and make the settings you want.
    Note: You can set up your server so it does not disconnect computers that are in sleep.


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